Policies: Terms of Service

Before you use any text, images, data, or other materials on this Site, please carefully read the terms and conditions of this license agreement. By using any of these materials, you are consenting to be bound by this agreement.

This Site is provided by Sodini Enterprizes, LLC and/or its affiliates and subsidiaries for your and others’ personal enjoyment, subject to the terms and conditions of use. In using the Site, you are consenting agreement to these terms and conditions of use.

Sodini Enterprizes, LLC may change these Terms periodically without actual notice to you. Such changes will appear on the Site. In using this site after posted changes, you agree to accept those changes, whether you have reviewed them or not. If you do not accept all of the terms of this agreement, you are not authorized to use any materials on this site.


All materials on this Web site and all materials contained herein are the property of Sodini Enterprizes, LLC. The only exceptions are copyrighted images and other materials owned by others, which are so indicated. This agreement gives you no ownership rights to any materials on this site.

Copyright Laws

This site and all materials on it are protected under United States copyright laws, which give creators of original works of authorship the exclusive right to use their works for a limited period of time. With certain exceptions, copyrighted materials may not be used or copied without the express written consent of the copyright holder (Sodini Enterprizes, LLC). This agreement describes the uses which you are permitted to make of the materials on this site.

License to Use

You are licensed by Sodini Enterprizes, LLC to use materials on this site for non-commercial, educational, and personal purposes only. You may download and/or copy these materials for personal or professional use, provided the copies retain all applicable copyright and trademark notices. This license is not exclusive to you, and you may not transfer it. Items such as media releases, op-eds, features, and all other documents on this site, if reproduced in compliance with these Terms of Use, must be credited to the author (if named) and to the Sodini Enterprizes, LLC.

Prohibited Uses

Any commercial use of the materials on this site is strictly prohibited. You may not sell, redistribute, assign, sublicense, or otherwise transfer these materials, copy them for other than approved uses (see “License to Use” above), publish them on other Web sites, in other media, or for personal gain, or remove any copyright or trademark notice, without Sodini Enterprizes, LLC’s express written permission.

No Warranty

All materials on this site are made available to you as-is. Sodini Enterprizes, LLC makes no warranty, express or implied, as to these materials, their title, accuracy, non-infringement of third party rights, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose, or the performance or results you may obtain from their use.

Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances shall Sodini Enterprizes, LLC be liable for any direct, incidental, special, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials in this site. If you are dissatisfied with any materials on this site or these terms and conditions, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using or visiting this site.

Links to Other Sites

This site contains links to other sites, some of which may be affiliate links. These links do not mean that Sodini Enterprizes, LLC necessarily endorses these sites, nor is Sodini Enterprizes, LLC responsible for their contents or use.


Any suggestions, creative ideas, inventions. or other materials which you submit to this site shall become the property of Sodini Enterprizes, LLC. Sodini Enterprizes, LLC may disclose or use any such submissions for any purpose without your consent or compensation therefore.

Accurate Information

By using the Site, you agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information about yourself as requested. If any information provided by you is untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete, Sodini Enterprizes, LLC reserves the right to terminate your subscription and refuse any and all current or future use of the Services.

User Conduct

Prohibited actions on the Site include, but are not limited to uploading, posting, publishing, emailing, reproducing, distributing, or otherwise transmitting any content that may be viewed as:

-Unlawful Infringement on the intellection property rights of others

-Invasive of privacy

-Harmful, defamatory, threatening, embarrassing, abusive, harassing, tortious, vulgar, obscene

-Libelous, deceptive, or fraudulent

-Containing explicit or graphic descriptions or accounts of sexual acts

-Commercial in nature, including product descriptions or business URLs that could be viewed as an attempt to solicit business

-Content cannot victimize, harass, degrade, or intimidate an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability;

By using the Site, you agree:

-Not to post prohibited material

-Not to disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Service

-Not to impersonate, stalk, or harm another, or act in any manner that may negatively affect other Visitors and Authorized Customers.

-Not to knowingly give out another’s private information

-Not to upload, post, publish, email, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise transmit any content containing software viruses

-Not to violate anyone’s rights in copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual property, and to abide by state and federal regulations and laws;

To assume responsibility for all material you post and to defend and indemnify Sodini Enterprizes, LLC from any claims that may arise from the posting

Questions and Requests for Permission to Use

Any questions regarding the terms of this agreement or requests for permission to use materials on this site for any commercial or personal purpose should be directed to [email protected]

Policies: Privacy Policy

Introduction and SummaryWe want to make it easy for you to understand what information we collect from you, what we do with it, and how you can request access to this information.

We believe this is a best practice to maintain transparency and trust with our website visitors and clients, and it just so happens that this complies with the laws of many countries around the world, too. If you have questions about this policy, you can contact us at [email protected].

We collect as little information from you as possible for a specific and identifiable purpose, and then we commit to using this information only in the way we have specified. When you visit this site, you are agreeing to this Privacy Policy, the collection of information identified in this policy, and you always have the ability to opt out.

What Personal Information We Collect and WhenWe collect information so that we can make our products and services better tailored to the people who visit our site and do business with us. We collect this information to (i) deliver products and services you have purchased from us, (ii) to notify you about our product or service offerings that you may be interested in, so long as you have given us consent to do so, and (iii) to keep track of visitor information to our site and/or or create retargeted and “lookalike” audiences for advertising purposes.

We collect information from you directly and indirectly through third-party services, as follows:

When you contact us…

With questions or comments in the contact form.When you comment on a post directly on the website.To request more information, schedule a telephone call, or sign up to the newsletter.To place an order for products or services.To receive your product or services.When we contact you…

To provide the goods and services you requested.To request occasional feedback.To provide news, updates, and offers through the newsletter, usually by email.When we contact others…

We may see certain personal information from third party apps and services that allow us to complete your order.We may see certain personal information from third party installations that allow us to remarket our services and products to you on other websites.We may see certain personal information from third party apps and services that allow us to monitor website traffic, email conversion, and other analytics data.We may see your personal information when we work with third party processors, like our email provider and web host. For EU residents, please note that this means we may transmit your data across international borders.Your Privacy ControlsWe use third-party services on our websites to assist in communicating or interacting with the public, including social media services, widgets, apps, pixels, and plugins, as further identified below. These services may distinguish or trace your identity, through, for example, persistent, multi-session cookies.

You can configure your system to delete cookies or disable them. In general, we do not collect or disseminate information collected by these services. When interacting with these third parties, their privacy policies apply. As of the time of this writing, we use:

Google Analytics. Specifically, Google Analytics collects data about visitors to the Site via Google advertising cookies and anonymous identifiers, in addition to other data which may be collected through a standard Google Analytics implementation. We do not merge personally-identifiable information with non-personally identifiable information collected through any Google advertising product or feature. Should you wish to opt out of any Google Analytics Advertising features, you are encouraged to change your Ad Settings and Ad Setting for mobile apps, through the NAI’s consumer opt-out, or by using any of the other opt-out options currently available.

Cookies are small text files placed on your computer to collect information about the pages you view and your activities on the site. They enable the site to recognize you by, for example, remembering your user name, offering a shopping cart, or keeping track of your preferences if you visit the site again. The cookie transmits this information back to the website's computer (or server) which generally is the only computer that can read it. You can set your Web browser to warn you about attempts to place cookies on your computer, or to limit the type of cookies you allow. See also more information on how to change cookies settings in popular desktop browsers.

This site uses single and multi-session cookies to enhance the visitor experience. This site does not sell or share its email list for use by third parties.If you choose to opt out of some or all of our data collection, you may not be able to access all features of this website or our services.

Keeping Your Information Secure

We store personal information with third parties that use industry standard practices for data security.

Your Rights to Your InformationYou own your personal information and have rights to it. For example, you have the rights to:

Withdraw your consent for us to market our products and services to you and otherwise use the personal information you have provided to us. Withdrawing consent is easy. Simply click “unsubscribe” in the footer of our emails, or email [email protected] a copy of the information we have about youBe forgotten (that is, have your data deleted and/or ask us to stop using your information for any purpose);Correct inaccurate information we have about you (and that means we will notify other service providers we use, and who hold your personal information for us, of those changes as well);Object to direct marketing and profiling (for example, we will remove you from our email list and from any list we have uploaded for the purposes of creating custom or retargeted audiences). We also encourage you to disable data collection services on your browser;Make complaints about the use of your data to regulatory authorities.We will comply with these requests within 30 days.

ComplianceWe make commercially reasonable efforts to work with data controllers (like our email provider) who guarantee compliance with privacy laws like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation.

We store your personal information only for as long as it is needed to use it for the reasons you have consented to.

Occasionally we will revise this policy and will use your contact information to notify you of these changes if they reduce your privacy rights in any way.

Our data protection officer is Jodi Sodini at [email protected]

Policies: Website Disclaimers

If you do not understand these statements or any that follow, do not purchase our programs and discontinue use of this website.

The advice, and interactions presented on this website and in our products are solely for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes, in the area of improving business.

The information supplied is meant to serve as tools for self-help for personal use at your own discretion in conjunction with accountants, lawyers, and tax professionals. Sodini Enterprizes, LLC and Jodi Sodini are not licensed to provide legal, financial, tax, or health advice.

The author assumes no responsibility for any circumstances arising out of the use, abuse, interpretation, or application of any information supplied on this website or in our programs. You understand and acknowledge that you are in the best position to evaluate how our information will impact your personal set of circumstances, including known and unknown risks. If you use or rely upon our information, you acknowledge that you do so voluntarily.

Our role is to support and assist you in reaching your goals, but your success depends on your own effort, motivation, commitment and follow-through. You alone are solely and personally responsible for your results. Other examples: background, dedication, desire, and motivation individual capacity, life experience, unique health and genetic profile, starting point, expertise.

Application of the principles outlined here may vary from person to person and you accept the risk that your results may be different. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result.

Do not disregard professional advice or delay seeking professional advice because of information you have read on this website or received from us.

MONEY:We are not licensed financial professionals. We do not provide investment recommendations or advice.

We advise you to speak with your own licensed financial planner before establishing a budget, making or changing investment strategies, making purchases, taking loans, changing or leaving employment, starting a business or changing business strategies, or engaging in tax savings methods.

We do not perform accounting services, tax advising, or investment counseling, and recommend that you consult licensed professionals regarding these topics.

EARNINGS:When addressing financial matters on our website and in any of our marketing, including but not limited to our newsletters, program pages, videos, and other content, every effort has been made to ensure that we accurately represent our programs and their ability to improve your life. However, Sodini Enterprizes LLC does not guarantee that you will get any results or earn any money whatsoever using our tools, programs, strategies, or recommendations. Nothing on our sites is a promise or guarantee of future earnings.Many factors influence your ability to earn money, including effort, motivation,commitment and follow-through, background, dedication, desire, motivation, individual capacity, life experience, starting point, and expertise. By using this website or purchasing from any of our order forms, you agree that you are fully responsible for your progress from your participation and implementation, and that we offer no representations or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding your earnings potential.

LAST DITCH PROTECTION:Your use, or non-use, of this information is at your own risk, and you absolve us of any liability or loss that you or any other person may incur from your or their use or non-use of the information provided.

In no event will we be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, equitable or consequential damages for any use of or reliance on this website, programs, services, and/or products, including, without limitation, any lost profits, personal or business interruptions, personal injuries, accidents, misapplication of information or any other loss, malady, disease or difficulty, or otherwise, even if we are expressly advised of the possibility of such damages or difficulties.


Some states do not allow for disclaimers of implied warranties. The paragraph above may not apply to you.


Policies: Billing Policies

Usage of our services constitutes customer’s acceptance of Sodini Enterprizes LLC’s billing policy. Please read these very carefully so that there are no misunderstandings later on.

The procedures, practices, policies and benefits described here may be modified or discontinued from time to time. We will try to inform you of any changes as they occur. Should you have any questions, please email [email protected].

 Following is the billing policy with which all customers must comply:

General PoliciesAcceptable Payment Options: We accept Credit Card and Wires only. 

Customer Responsibility: Customers are responsible for keeping all credit/debit card details and contact information current. Please email [email protected] inform us of any changes.

Automatic Charges: All contracted fees are automatically charged to the credit/debit card on file. All credit/debit cards are automatically charged on the customer’s specific billing cycle date or, if a payment plan is selected, every 30-days from the initial purchase. If the credit/debit card is declined, we will continue to attempt to charge the card on file every 3 days for 30 days (up to 10 times). Payment receipts are available to customers upon request.

FeesReturned Item Fee: There is a $50.00 insufficient funds check fee for returned checks in addition to the amount still due.

Late Fee: Invoices which remain unpaid after 30-days may be assessed a late fee of $50.00 per month.

Chargebacks: If a customer initiates a chargeback, we will assess a $250.00 processing fee for each individual chargeback.

Collections Fee: In the event an account is submitted to a third-party collections service, the client will be responsible for the full amount of the collections fees, in addition to any other fees previously assessed on the account.

Billing DisputesDelinquent Accounts: All accounts 30 days past due may be disabled or de-activated until balances are paid in full.

Cancellation: Cancellation of an account does not dismiss outstanding invoices or the contracted commitments. At the time of cancellation, any outstanding balance must be settled. All cancelled accounts with an outstanding balance may be automatically turned over to a third-party collection service.

Billing Disputes: As a current or prior customer, each customer agrees to provide 30 days to attempt settlement of any billing dispute before disputing with any third-party credit/debit card company or bank. We must be the first option in billing disputes. Should Sodini Enterprizes, LLC receive a chargeback from a third-party credit/debit card company or bank on the customer’s behalf before we have been given a chance to resolve the issue, we have the right to collect on the rendered services and any fees associated with those disputes. Regardless of the outcome of the chargeback, Sodini Enterprizes, LLC retains the right to collect on any rendered services or fees that are due. Sodini Enterprizes, LLC will submit any disputed amounts to a collection agency. Once a chargeback has been received, we will immediately suspend the account until the matter is resolved.

Refunds: Our policy at Sodini Enterprizes, LLC is that all sales are final. There are no refunds and you are responsible for the full amount of the order, whether you pay in full or choose a payment plan. We understand there are extenuating circumstances that may prevent you from adhering to your original agreement. As such, in special circumstances as approved by Sodini Enterprizes, LLC in writing, you may be approved to roll your payments over to secure a spot in another retreat or workshop within 12 months. These requests must be made within 30 days of submitting payment. By placing your order with us, you are indicating your agreement to these terms.

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